Thursday, October 25, 2018

Time for Another Adventure in Creative Writing

Today we're responding to a comment from a reader creatively.

2.0 writes:

This post prompted me to check if Tom Oatmeal is still a thing, and he is! He's made many post in the years since I stopped reading his Tumblr. I won't go back though. I will just get sad again. I owe it to myself not to get sad at Tom Oatmeal.

Turns out, unbeknownst to me at the time, that Tom Oatmeal is a long-running tumblr account with blogs written in a style somewhat similar to my post about a guy named Tom who works with oatmeal. That's pretty interesting. How does a coincidence like that occur?
Let's go inside the mind of the writer to found out. Traditionally, western portrayals of entering the brain from outside the body occur through the ear. This is false and misleading. We know from ancient texts and oral tradition that the proper entry to the brain, as practiced by the Ancient Egyptians, is through the nose. So we go in through the nose and through some dark canals and into the brain!
We have to find the snake in here that ripped off the Tom Oatmeal guy and shake it down. Look! There it is. It's a literal snake that's partially submerged in the unconscious. You grab it by the snake-shoulders and slap it around a few times. "You! How could you rip off, Tom Oatmeal. You made me look like a jerk!"
The snake pleads, "No no no! It's a well-known phenomenon called cryptomnesia! You must have heard Tom Oatmeal somewhere and then forgot about it and you mistook the memory for an original thought!"
But it's too late. You have disowned the snake. "Pack your things and go," you say. The snake may be right but what's more important, being right or your pride?

Thanks again for commenting. 


2.0 said...

I caused this. How will his snake-family afford their snake-mortgage without his snake-income? How?

Cassiar Memekio said...

Hahaha oh no, I guess they'll have to apply for snake welfare or enter into snake-crime