Monday, October 8, 2018

Some sentences about snakes and stuff

Your snakes are cold. This Sunday try using your snake basket as your laundry basket. The snakes will appreciate the warmth.

 Snakes are the most considerate creatures. They never touch things with dirty hands. This is because snakes do not possess hands. Rather, they use their muscular stomachs to conquer any terrain.

Putting a feather in one's hat is insufficient to strike fear in the heart of your opponent. Rather, shove a  handful of snakes in your mouth to make people think that you breathe snakes.

Bake off? Snake off.

Why rake the leaves when you could snake the leaves? That's where you put your snake basket underneath the pile of leaves in your yard. The neighbor kids will think twice about jumping in a pile of leaves if they are worried about potentially injuring a basket of snakes in there.

Singular: snake. Plural: snakes. Singular special: snek. Plural special: sneki.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Hahaha this is really creative