Monday, October 23, 2017

A Drive

I kinda went for a drive tonight. I mean it was for a purpose but somehow it felt like I was just driving around. It was nice. I felt calm and like I was out and exploring in the world. To be clear and transparent,  I was driving to work to drop something off and then I went to the Wegman's. The most well worn of routes. But maybe the coffee I had, the remainder in the pot that had been sitting around since the early afternoon,  at 8:45PM before I walked out the door colored the driving in a new way. I didn't explore. But driving felt nice. And the girl at the register was very nice. And I had the heat on high and the windows down. What a time, right? Is there enough writing about how good it can feel to be alive? It's a feeling of just being out in the world and and and looking at it and being like yeah. A single 'yeah' to all and to all a 'yeah' night.


Crab said...

This post has good vibes.

I dig it!

Unit 6 Track Club Alumni said...

Driving is a surprisingly cathartic activity.