Friday, June 23, 2017

Summer's Here

Expect the same hiatus as last year.

But I'm actually doing really well right now. Camp is as awesome as last year if not even more fun. Actual work is good too.

My plantar fasciitis is going away and I was able to run every day this week and with less and less pain.

I want to be more open and concrete with my thinking because this guy I work with named Kevin is awesome and is really into meditation and yoga and I like how at peace he seems with his own thoughts.

I met someone at camp who I really like a lot and that is exciting and a bit scary/disconcerting at the same time. If I was a counselor to myself at the school I work at I would remind myself that I have tools and skills and a wealth of accumulated mistakes to draw upon and repeat or try new things and make new mistakes. But most importantly -> Communication = good.

Anyway,  as best I can tell,  we're all a pulsing bloosh of brains and gut bacteria.