Friday, May 5, 2017

Crab at the Edge with Fused Tube Televisions

playing around with paint and paper cut-outs.

Crab's like "ah-HA! I have reached where the rocky crags are battered by the raging tide! Spines and waves and the deep moans all around!"

Good job, Crab. You did it. Where the sun is blood red and the clouds are all, 'meh. we're clouds. it's okay I guess.'

Here are some other plots for stories I had:

#1- Pixar-like movie.

A village of crawdads is under siege by an unsupervised and under-medicated 4-year-old. A plucky young crawdad who can't seem to find his way in the community is accidentally taken home by the behaviorally challenged child-beast. The crawdad finds a copy of Machiavelli's The Prince and, for reasons unexplained, knows how to read and is able to befriend and then ensnare the stupid, evil child. The young crawdad returns to the village with makeshift reins across the child's neck and face. Young crawdad is heralded as the new king and the child becomes their war machine. This sets up for the sequel where the village becomes an empire and the young crawdad becomes a ruthless paranoid dictator.


A boy in the 4th grade is allergic to grapes. A pretty red head girl sits down next to him in the cafeteria and offers him some grapes from her lunch box. The boy has a moment of inner conflict before he decides to accept the grapes. Just as he's about to take a bite a teacher slaps them out of his hand and reminds him of his allergy. The girl is instinctively put off by the boy's lack of self-preservation and finds a new seat. The boy is ashamed and heart-broken.

The teacher returns. "What? Are you sad now?" She's in his face. "Because I kept you alive? Brian! You don't even have the cognitive capacity to imagine the consequences of your actions. The public pays me to do that for you! You have a deadly grape allergy! What did you think was going to happen? That you would take a bite and your throat would swell up and your face would turn blue and that would be your big shot? That was going to win her over?! Your hopes were dead from the get-go with that one, buddy. Don't eat grapes. Don't. eat. grapes. That's like your one rule. It's just one more rule than most people have. Get it together!"


1 comment:

Bird said...
