Wednesday, May 24, 2017

I Had an Idea Today

Since I now live at a summer camp, I thought that it would be nifty keen to engineer some camp magic for this upcoming camp season.

Yesterday, my roommate Maddie and I collected some rocks on the trail down to waterfront and we spent the better part of the afternoon painting them.

It was really good. And later we climbed on the rock wall which was a super awesome time. Especially when my foot is making running painful and I am hard pressed for activity. The rain is not helping either :/

Anyway, the idea I had is that I would have a large rock with a simple face painted on it in a prominent location at camp and then a sign telling people that the rock's friends (or campers or children or something) have gotten lost and are all over camp! Oh no! So then as the kids go about their day at camp they can be on the lookout for these little rocks with faces on them and return them to the rock spot. Could be fun.

Another thing I'd like to do is make signs in the mode of obviousplant who you can check out here:

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