Thursday, September 29, 2016

P.C.S. just holding on

top note: if you hasn't seen it yet, there's a page where all of these "In a Bulding" posts are collected for easier reading!

tup note: P.C.S = paper clip scientist

At the office. McMurtry walks in holding a serious manila envelope and stops at the front of the room. Kimbrough looks up from the forms at his desk.

Kimbrough: Is that it?

McMurtry nods. He approaches Kimbrough's desk. He reaches his hand into the opened envelope and removes a piece of paper and slaps it down on the desk. Kimbrough's eyes scan the page and go wide. 

The paper is a side-by-side comparison of Kimbrough and McMurtry's butt prints. Two rounded blobs, each appropriately labeled, crisscrossed with serious looking analytical science lines, showing that McMurtry's print is the larger of the two.

Kimbrough pushes back from his desk and sits on his tailbone. He shrugs and raises his hands slightly.

Kimbrough: OK, then. I guess that settles it.

McMurtry, stonefaced, reaches back into the envelope and slaps a second piece of paper atop the first. This one shows the results of a water displacement test. Kimbrough leans in again. At the bottom of the page it shows Kimbrough's butt to be greater in total volume. Kimbrough pounds his fist on the desk. McMurtry leaves the papers where they are and turns to walk to his own desk.

Kimbrough: Dang it! Dang it dang it dang it!

McMurtry: I almost thought we'd had it figured out.

[end scene]

Kimbrough and McMurtry each stand on top of a tall building on opposite sides of a street. They are busily scanning the roofs of their respective buildings for evidence. Kimbrough looks up at McMurtry from across the street.

Kimbrough: Hey! Are you wearing a pink tie today?

McMurtry: What?!

Kimbrough: Are you wearing a pink tie?

McMurtry looks down at this tie.

McMurtry: No!

Kimbrough: Well, it looks pink from here.

McMurtry: It's got red and white stripes. So it must look pink from a distance.

Kimbrough: I get it. Like an illusion.

McMurtry: I mean, I guess so.

Kimbrough: I probably should have noticed earlier. I'm not sure why I didn't.

McMurtry: I guess it's just (feeling the momentum leaving the exchange) of those...things.

Kimbrough: What?!

McMurtry: Nothing!


McMurtry: I dropped my keys earlier and I think they broke a windshield on a car down there.

[end scene]

1 comment:

Funnie Paranoia said...

Cosmic Kev, the scrapbooking criminal traveling the world looking for work as a DJ as he solves the case of his dad's murder while keeping evidence and updates in his new travel scrapbook-y blog.

First Post: The Day I Sold Everything