Tuesday, September 27, 2016

In a Bulding!

Kimbrough hangs up the phone. He sighs and rubs the heels of his hands into his eyes.

McMurtry takes a long sip from a 2 liter bottle of Sprite through an elaborate silly straw with many bends and loops. He manages to bring a few ounces of liquid to his mouth before gasping from exertion.

McMurtry: Who was that?

Kimbrough: Missing person reported. Said the guy was last seen standing on a corner eating an apple.

McMurtry: Sounds like an overzealous apple thief.

Kimbrough: Makes sense. It's basically the perfect crime. The one person who could help us catch him has been abducted and is probably at the bottom of some kind of underground dungeon lair full of giant saw blades.

McMurtry: It's all too easy.

Kimbrough: (imitating giant saw blade) tttttttzzzzzzzzcchhhhrrjjjjjzzzzz!!

McMurtry: rrrrrrrrrtchztchztchztchztchztchzsnaaawwwwwwwww!

Kimbrough: We gotta protect the orchards. 

McMurtry: I'll put all units on round-the-clock surveillance.

Kimbrough: Burn half of them to the ground, just to be on the safe side.

[they get up from their desks and head to the door]

[end scene]

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