Tuesday, September 27, 2016

No Way. In a Bulding.

Kimbrough and McMurtry stand outside a fast food restaurant on a busy sidewalk downtown. Cars are rushing past. Pedestrians walk past the stationary men hurriedly.

McMurtry: Saw on the TV last night there was a criminal super duck causing all kinds of mayhem and destruction in town.

Kimbrough: Our town?

McMurtry: It was a fictional town.

Kimbrough: Fictional duck?

McMurtry: Fictional duck.

Kimbrough: Interesting.

McMurtry: Exactly. What kind of criminal duck wouldn't be super-powered? And! What kind of super-powered duck wouldn't be driven to a life of crime?

Kimbrough: You're saying there's a 100% chance this duck exists already.

McMurtry: There's simply no other option. But what's really scary is that the actual super criminal duck...in a metaphorical sense of course...the actual villainous mega-duck...is society.

[a large bus whooshes past and our view of the two is obscured]

[end scene]

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