Thursday, September 22, 2016

In a Bulding


Kimbrough (looks solemnly at the ash and dust): Any survivors?

McMurtry: none.

Kimbrough: Dear god.

McMurtry: School website says there was a paperclip scientist presenting today.

Kimbrough (scoffs): Scientists. Bunch of madmen. They should all be chained to a rock and have their livers devoured every day for eternity (a charred human hand rolls past his feet like a tumbleweed or plastic bag).

McMurtry (both following the path of the hand with their eyes): Chief?

Kimbrough: They're trying to wield forces they can't possibly comprehend.

McMurtry: With all due respect, no one can deny the immeasurable contribution of paper clips to humanity.

Kimbrough (squints his eyes and gazes at the grey dim sky): And all our yesterdays have lighted fools. The way to dusty death.

[end scene]

1 comment:

Mike (hey) said...

Well said, Pablo.

Mike from Peru