Thursday, September 17, 2015

Apple Head Dog Boss Executive says...


Anonymous said...

It's a dog with a apple head!

Andy Lawrence said...

He's a mean boss, though. Overworked, stressed. Family is falling apart. Living from paycheck to paycheck on a six-figure income. Mountains of debt. Just another motivated kid who got caught in the rat race.

Anonymous said...

If it wudn't for OBAMA maybe a FREE market could throw him a bone! I BELIEVE in the tide that raises all sails!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To the poster above, I couldn't agree more. This country is going to hell in a hand basket if you ask me. Socialists like Bernie Sanders, Obama, and Hitler are barking up the wrong tree, and we did not have brave souls like Kim Davis standing up for what is RIGHT, we might have dogs marrying apples by now for all I know!

Anonymous said...

Youse guys really don't get it do you? Poverty KILLS. I grew up in a middle-class family (house with a big yard and a white picket fence, 3 new cars, 2 summer houses, one in Maine where we would take the yacht out for a nice day on the Atlantic and the other in the south of France, private lessons in music, painting, singing, tennis, squash, and lacrosse, went to boarding school in New England for high school) and 2008 hit us HARD. My dad was laid off from his position as Chief Senior Consultant to the Junior Vice Liason Coordinator at one of the biggest firms in the region, and wasn't able to find a job that actually fit his level of qualification anywhere else. When tax season came and we had no way to pay, the IRS took everything. I will never forget the tears streaming down my mothers face as she packed up her collection of 359 pairs of designer shoes to send to a buyer on eBay. I think the stress from that day may have been what really broke her, despite what the doctor said about the alcohol. After she passed I joined a commune. We share everything here, including our bodies. There has never been a time that I have felt more fulfilled than when I am truly full of love. Sometimes food starts to run low, so we hop into the back of the pick-up and drive around collecting acorns to soak, boil, and then mash into something resembling a paste. But here we are truly free to THINK without the horrible weight of poverty bearing down.

Andy Lawrence said...


I make the dog apple head. You like, yes?

Crabbles said...

Yes! Many like! Is much nice!