Sunday, September 20, 2015

5 Three Sentence Thoughts on Fall

-Fall is a time of dying. What's fun about that? I wish there was a season that celebrated the feeling of casually deciding someone else's fate while they aren't in the room; that's a powerful feeling.

-I think we should retire the word 'autumn'. Maybe when Autumn was a young word it used to be cool and innovative and give lots of high-fives. Now it's old and we should chain it to a pipe in the attic and never talk about it.

-Fall smells different in a good way. I like when I meet people and they smell different in a good way. That's a positive quality of Fall.

-Sometimes you lose contact with people because of regrettable choices and circumstances but you encounter their smell again. That's the worst. I hate the dual nature of your transience, Fall!

-One of my favorite Fall traditions is not living in the moment and hiding from my own thoughts and feelings. Thanks, Fall. Without you, there would be anything to regret having not appreciated.

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