Sunday, August 16, 2015

Idea for Show #1

Ghost Cat in Curse Box

It's about this cursed ghost cat who gets out of his box ( box may or may not be cursed; indeterminate), and haunts an American household.

Melkor plays the dad. There are no children.

Episodes would center mostly around trying to get the ghost cat back in his box. He is a ghost cat though so it's doubly hard to do. 

Meanwhile, there would be a super dark plot lurking behind all of the canned laughter hijinks and post-conflict reflections. Like, anytime you don't see ghost cat, he's doing some mega-dark bad deeds. This will never be directly addressed, only hinted at to drive fanboys and fanwomen crazy.

Entire show would be from 2nd person POV. Like Cloverfield but with no shakey cam. Running gag would be how ghost cat is always making threats at you when no else is around. 

Don't open that box! Seriously! Well, it's fine sometimes but the laughs are definitely not worth the evil!

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