Thursday, August 6, 2015

And then one time Melkor was a Hermit Crab

An evil Hermit Crab! Pinching at the sandals!

In the real version, Melkor is actually pretty evil. He does bad stuff.

But in MY version! Melkor is a very specific brand of evil.

And these drawings and stupid words are an investigation, a delineation of what that evil looks like.

A kind of silly maliciousness. The urge to kick down sand castles and upset houses of cards.

Like Iago, but with naughtiness instead of medical-grade insidiousness.

Melkor doesn't want to watch the world burn. He just wants to yell, "Fire!" when there isn't one and laugh at everyone who looks afraid for a second.

Pettiness. But with all the gusto and majesty of the root of all darkness.

Because, look! What you can control is your motivation. Your drive. Not your circumstances. Melkor can't do anything right. He's immortal and is routinely confounded by tiny elves and humans. But he does it with CONVICTION!And I respect that and want to exploit it for laughs. 

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