Monday, July 27, 2015

No One Wants This!

The Silmarillion is like the official back story to the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit.

 I go for the back story. 

Because I'm alternative like that.

Anyway, right off the bat, at the beginning of the beginning of everything, there are these angel-type guys. they're all cool and there's a really mighty one and his name is Melkor and he's the Lucifer character and everyone hates him.

But I think Melkor was just trying to be himself. Even if that self is is really annoying.

No one has any patience for him though. Yes, he has really bad ideas but when you keep shutting him down it's like you're only validating his belief that he doesn't fit in. It's a self-fulfilling vicious circle that just makes him weird.

Like, when all the Ainur (those angel-types) are sitting around before Being exists and making the stuff that will be stuff they go like "BLIZZOW! Woah! I just created a dolphin. It's like a shiny tube of muscle that swims through the water and cackles adorably."

And Melkor will be off in the corner, half paying attention, and go, "Oh! Oh ho ho! I just a created...the...uh...Melkorphin! Yeah! It's a...uh...big fish with my face on it!"

And then everyone goes, "Dang it, Melkor! You gotta do your own thing! We hate you, Melkor! Be original!"

And how's that supposed to make Melkor feel?

No wonder he stabbed your trees, lady!

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