Saturday, June 6, 2015

Top Heavy Sweat Stain with Nod Heady Neck Strain

I like the sun a lot. It pretty much powers the whole planet and everything on it. If the sun hadn't been invented, we wouldn't even have flashlights because the flashlight was inspired by the sun in the first place. Your eyes were made to help you see the stuff the sun shines on. Your mouth was made to eat fruit. Guess where fruit comes from? Plants. And plants use the sun. The list goes on and on.

Manta rays, mademoiselles, marmalade: these are all words that start with 'M'. But I think that we can  all agree that there is even another word that starts with 'M'. And that word is

Murder. Yeah, guys, murder. It's not a fun subject. A murder is a terrible thing. Ten murders is even worse. One trillion murders is quantitatively worse still. But the sun shines on that, too. The sun would shine on any kind of murder. At no point would the sun stop shining because of it. So you might think, "Hey, what's the deal, Mr. or Mrs. Sun? Are you indifferent to us? You'll shine on anything?"
And the answer is, 'Yes'. The sun will shine on anything. So, I mean, there you go. Choose your own adventure, I guess.

But seriously, be nice to each other. I love you.

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