Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A Dumb One

What is the dumbest thing? What is the nature of dumbness? 

Something to do with the crappiness of a facade? That's my favorite kind of dumb, anyway. 

We don't like when emotions are beliefs are obviously not actually held by the speaker. We either want authenticity or a more convincing front. 

Or it could also be an attempt at cleverness or wit that falls hopelessly short. Dumbness is a missing of the mark. 

I don't think "lacking in intelligence or skill" really gets at it. It's more like a lack of concentration or focus.

But I think that gives it a lot of potential somehow, too.

Like if you saw a guy with a basketball take ten minutes to line up a full-court shot and make it, it would be really impressive.

But if you saw a high school kid get really mad in a game and then punt a basketball across the gym and make it, it would be AMAZING.

I guess that wouldn't be considered a missing of the mark but it's more impressive because it should have missed. That's the reward and potential of something really dumb. Doing something that absolutely shouldn't work and then it does. 

So then dumbness is more like an ill-advised means to an end. And then if it succeeds there's this great moment where everything you thought you knew that led you to believe it was dumb gets inverted or blown up and what's fair is foul and foul is fair, I guess.

That would be the truly dumbest thing. Something so dumb that even the rules that show its dumbness are invalidated. 


Anonymous said...

nah its not dumb. its just feeling there's nothing left to lose... dumb is knowing that and still being too afraid to do anything

Andy Lawrence said...

So that would make true dumbness a lack of action. dumbness=inaction?

I can see that.

Anonymous said...

yes inaction is dumbness, from my experience. you always think you have a lot to lose from saying something/doing something , but do you really?