Monday, January 12, 2015

Weird Plant

I think when I worked with kids in the before and after school program, I missed a chance to talk with them about what drawing is about and what it can do. I was too focused on keeping them quiet because it was 'quiet homework' time. To the point where I would see myself as having to work against them. That's not a pattern I want to let myself fall into again. I didn't give them enough credit to think that they would be interested in learning about drawing and talking about it. I don't know what I would've been able to teach but I should've tried to engage them and found out what they wanted to know and do. If you're not working with people, and kids are people, then no one is going to have fun or benefit. And it doesn't always have to be fun. If your goals are aligned you can go through some pretty miserable stuff and still benefit. But it starts with that mutual understanding and agreement.

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