Monday, January 19, 2015


When Rivers Cuomo says in the song, 'El Scorcho', "watching Grunge leg drop New Jack through a press table", he's not just talking about professional wrestlers. He's talking about the power of the sound of spoken words. On like a muscular, articulation level. It's a powerful, crunchy, violent line arranged in pairs of gritty words. "watching grunge"- "leg drop"- "New Jack" "press table". No other part of the song even provides context for the literal meaning of this part. So, what? Why do this? To me, it's not just a question of 'catchiness' or something that gets stuck in your head. It's fun because it is actually satisfying to form those syllables in that order. Like saying 'fifty-nine ninety-nine to ninety-nine ninety-nine' quickly or Pete Holmes's 'get some beers, Pierce!" or any poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins or whatever Reggie Watts does. It doesn't just play in your head like something catchy. You get the joy when you make those words with your own mouth. So, you know, that's a great way to pass on information when the speaker gets rewarded for repeating it. Use it for entertainment or mind control. It's a win win.

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