Friday, January 16, 2015

The Most Likely Explanation

The beat-up burgundy Geo Metro slowed to match pace with the runner. The runner looked down and to the side as the car pulled into view. The winding road cut through a hilly grassy countryside. Rolling down the window, the driver asked, "Excuse me, do you run on this road often?"
"No, not very often."
"You haven't seen a golden retriever around here in the past month have you?"
"No, I have not."
"Well, thanks. Sorry to bother you." The car accelerated.
"No problem."

As the aged vehicle struggled to climb the steep hill, the driver, a man in his late 50's with a silver bowl cut, a permanent squint, and several missing teeth, reached into his glove compartment. He pulled out a faded black-and-white photograph and gazed into the eyes of the young woman smiling at whoever was behind the camera. His eyes closed tightly as he said, "Don't worry. I haven't forgotten. I'll never forget what he did. And I'll never stop until I find that monster and make him pay."


The grain silo cast a long, ominous shadow across the fields of yellowed grasses in the early January afternoon. Perched atop the silo sat a large, athletic, blonde dog with a wide smiling face. Its eyes like hollow pits gazed with contempt at the champagne-colored valley. The beast's head rose and fell as it barked but neither the top hat, nor monocle, nor over-sized cigar were disturbed. Its angry shouts seemed to say, " Oh Gregory. The game has only just begun." The massive paw mashed down on the glowing red button beside it and the sun was extinguished in a flash.


From out of the darkness that the runner plunged hopelessly through, nearly sprinting, he heard the distinct sound of villainous dog laughter.


But seriously, that guy is really worried about his dog, you guys.

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