Monday, October 6, 2014

An Exercise In Shared Spaces

For every day of this month of October 2014 I'm going to take a picture of something my roommate leaves around the apartment and reflect.

Monday October 6th: a jar of Trader Joe's coconut oil was left open on the kitchen counter with the lid lying next to it.


I do not understand. Living with you and trying to piece together the logic of your actions makes me weary. I conclude that you must live like a lab mouse in a maze. You have no larger sense of the world around you, only a series of unrelated turns and decisions that sometimes add up to cheese. You cannot look back, you cannot look ahead. You can only act in the moment and leave open containers of food scattered about the apartment--exposed to the elements--attracting all manner of vermin and microscopic spoilers of the air and my scorn. O, my scorn. My scorn that rises like a phoenix from its own ashes every morning when I witness the scrambled tatters of your myopic hustle and bustle as you fart your way in and out of this apartment.



1 comment:

Mom said...

I'm laughing so hard right now..sorry, Luke. :)