Wednesday, October 8, 2014

An Exercise in Shared Spaces 3

Oct 8th- a cup hidden behind MY nalgene.

Scene 1:

(cup is sitting in the middle of the table for the second day in a row)

Me: Hey Luke, are you going to use that cup again?

Luke: No, probably not.

Me: Could you throw it out?

Luke: Yeah. Sure.

(Luke picks up cup and goes to sink and fills it with water. Steps outside and sits on stoop)

Me: Cool.

(I exit and head to class)

(Luke sips his water and grins a fiendish grin)

Luke: He'll never know! He'll never know!

(Luke transforms into a wrinkly green hideous creature---something that could only be described as the spawn of a were-hyena and a giant brussel sprout. He licks his chops as his twisted brain hatches a most dastardly plan. He enters the apartment)

Luke: In this spot, the cup will remain for a dozen millennia and chaos and clutter will reign supreme!

(Luke transforms back into his normal Luke mode, eats an entire brick of cheese coated in Old Bay and Hemp Protein Powder and wanders around campus, takes like seven dumps, until he stumbles into the class he's 25 minutes late for)

(an hour or so later, I return to the apartment. I discover the cup.)

Me: ...really? He must be crazy.    

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