Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Skinny legs on thick sweater boy

The misshapen, misinformed, deformed life form rolling on the morbid loam looking for home.
Needing protection. A rusty tragic wagon seeking the scaled beast to be his trusty magic dragon.
Hungry. Waggle noodle arms reach for the backpack packed full of Lucky Charms--these marshmallow bites seem to be his only rations.
No narrative evident, no plot to intuit, just skinny legs on thick sweater boy with a red balloon until he blew it.
Scribbles on paper so its obviously fake, nobody takes a stake in a life that's play for play's sake.
You're you for as long as you can stay awake but after that
then what difference do these words make?
Pulpy-lumpy grumpy boy with bumps in his sweater like he smuggles puppies to avoid
lonely stretches like his lips pulled broad and trembling ,
whispered mumbling speech lost beneath the sound of his stomach grumbling
wishing he could be crushed by tumbling fruit that now sends the ground rumbling.


Sterrence said...

This might be my favorite post so far. :)

Andy Lawrence said...

Stanks, Therrence!