Wednesday, July 23, 2014

OAR Chapter 3

In an ongoing effort to make the content of this blog applicable to a circle of people no larger than myself, this is the first installment of my series where I rewrite and illustrate the entirety of John L. Parker Jr.'s cult running classic, Once a Runner.

We begin with chapter 3, The Morning Run, where we find our young protagonist, Quentin Cassidy, in the clutches of a night-ish mare. In this reoccurring dream, Cassidy is being passed by everyone around him at the end of a race and his legs refuse to respond. A truly hellish experience that is almost too great for the diehard-runner Cassidy to endure. Fortunately, he awakens. The author describes Cassidy's physical appearance and his room. He is tall and built fast with upside-down teardrops for legs. His door makes fun of Rudyard Kipling and says that he was slow and probably a racist.  Cassidy laces up his shoes and heads out for his morning run. He is a miler.

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