Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Not Alone

 2 Things On Friendships and Being Alone

My great good friend Anthony Todd once said, "It's better to live with people than to live with (only) yourself."

That is true.

And Reggie Watts once said, "Friends, above all relationships, are incredibly important and if you have a friend remember to always love that friend because that friend is going to be there."

And that is also true.

And I'm thankful for the friends I've had and the people who have allowed me to not be alone and I really needed them and I thank them right now. 

And this is sort of a weird thing to be saying but it shouldn't be because being thankful is a great thing to be and if you have thankful thoughts you should just spray them on the internet walls.

The picture is unrelated. Sort of. Don't be asleep to the needs of others (?) Sometimes. Sometimes being asleep is helpful. I'd be lying if I said this wasn't partly driven by a sense of guilt.



From Old English gylt.

unknown origin!


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