Friday, July 4, 2014

Math Dragons

xeno- relating to a foreigner or foreigners.

topos (which I've already defined!)- place


-a foreign place?

Did you know that the parts of utopia are 'ou' meaning 'not' and topos.

So it's a 'not place'.

But you'd think it would be 'eu' meaning 'well'. A 'good place'.

That would make sense with dystopia. With 'dys' meaning bad.

What other kinds of topias can there be?

A homotopia. A same place.

Or a logotopia. A word/ reason place.

Or a Barbatopia. A Barbara place.

Or an androtopia- A man place.

Or a dentopia. A tooth place.

A ketchutopia. A ketchup place.

All different kinds of places.

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