Thursday, July 4, 2013

Beauty at the Beach

A patriotic monster has a good day at the beach.

My long crooked limbs bake in the warm sun. My skin cracks and oozes, leaving a trail of toxic bile and pus with every rickety step. I have come here to live life to its fullest. I will sequester beautiful women and copious amounts of laundry detergent.

In this great free land, nothing is behind the reach of my nefarious grasp. Freedom shines on the wicked and the pure! It burns me the way grease fires never quite can. These grains of sand will soon be glutted with the blood of vacationers and their ice creams will be orphaned and dissolve in the heat.

The crust beneath my eyelids is boiling now! Their sandcastles will be razed and their umbrellas will be shipped to Mexico via Overnight express delivery. I don't mind the extra charge! I'm not in this for gain. I just want to watch the world burn.

It's a beautiful day! Not a cloud in the sky and the children squeal as they splash in the gentle waves. I will turn their joy to fear then jolt their minds with absolute terror until they are nothing but husks of skin and brittle bones. This country is good! Country good! Monster love freedom! Fireworks will soon give way to rain of fire and monster will be at peace once more!

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