Thursday, March 28, 2013

Get done and get gone

How do I know I'm happy? How do I know I'm a good person?

I think trying to answer that question is like staring directly into the sun to see what it looks like. It's too much. Stop it!

So, what do we do when we want to look at the sun? We look at pictures of it.

What do I do? I look at pictures of myself smiling and helping puppies get adopted. Man, I am good at smiling and pushing puppies.

Boom! Logic'd it out the park. 


Or, you know, you should enjoy the things the sun provides and appreciate the sun through that. In the same way you should do things that make you happy and do things that make you feel like a good person.

It's all about doing stuff. Not staring at the sun.

Here, stare at this picture of whiteness and project your inner emotions on to it.

All I see is Goombas.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Nerdular Nerdence

I remember one time when I was little I asked my dad what "E=mc2" meant. And he gave me a pretty good explanation I think.

What's crazy to me is how when I imagine mass I just think of a boring blue cube with '1kg' written on the side of it. That's boring ol' mass. But energy is like some invisible, super-cool magic that Dragonball Z characters could fire out of their hands if they yelled loud and long enough.

But it's all the same stuff. How does anything move if it's all mass? How does anything stay together if it's all energy?

Same stuff! Fireballs and cubes...same thing!

In crappy Newtonian physics, if you're just sitting around somewhere you have no energy. You're a hopeless lump of mass. But with E=mc2 your energy is equal to your mass times the freakin' speed of light times itself! Just by being a thing that exists you are energy! That's so much more exciting to me being mass. And what you create, what you do, what you exert yourself towards, what you apply energy to has more mass.

But I think we get it reversed a lot of the time. We view ourselves as mass, as a real thing that can be affected and acted upon and we either worry about how we will be changed or allow ourselves to be carried and pushed and pulled by all these chaotic forces and energies that exist outside of us. But it's all perception. You are energy. What can touch you? You impose order and structure and mass outside of you simply by acting on it. The universe will abide.

Shortened to One Sentence: Math explains why you're energy but it still can't explain why you have dreams about being born out of a pile of hummus. 

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


One day when I'm running I'm gonna reach out my hand and give a high-five to the side-view mirror of an oncoming car. The trick is to not resist the car because you'll shatter your wrist. What you have to do is limply dangle your arm out and then throw yourself into the hit so you end up collapsed on the ground.

Then when they stop and get out to see if you're okay, you look up from the road, hold out your hand and say, "Down low?...too slow." Then shake your head as you drag yourself into the nearby bushes.

Let's shorten that into one sentence: I have fantasies about getting hit by cars.

Friday, March 22, 2013

We did it!

can someone who knows what this math means tell me if this makes any sense? I was going for a recursion-type thing where the number of beards is constantly increasing by the very nature of their beardness. Someone help me make this make sense to someone who can understand it.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Even when a talking piece of toast says it, it's still true.

More Enchiridion pictures to come?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Duck Again

Because sometimes you need to take a pause duck to let a message sink in.

*phhhht!* I don't know. You gotta try to do something if you want more something to keep happening.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

In Sufficient Quantities

It's like a story except I tell you one part that isn't the beginning or the end and then you fill the rest in but still give me all the credit okay?

Saturday, March 16, 2013

If Life was a Boat

I think I'm getting better...


Friday, March 15, 2013

Winter Camping Pictures and Thoughts

Oh man, I already miss it.

Our room. The dancing flower lost his head in the journey over. But smiles still abound! The second picture is of the bungee cable web we made between the beds. We dried clothes on it.

I had the top bunk! Next to my socks! Hooray!

Putting on shoes is an important part of Winter Camping. 
I'm excited about wearing socks!

2.0 is always careful to not tie one of his fingers up in the laces . No amputations for us!

Here are some pictures of the camp we stayed at. The first one is a sign with words on it. The second one is the front of what they kept calling a chalet. We made fun of that name a lot. chalet. It's basically a shed with stairs.

Ooooo, I'm a chalet! My farts smell like rosemary! Laa-dee da!

They had huge icicles everywhere! These aren't even the gnarliest. Some of those dudes looked like dragon teeth.

We were on a frozen lake!

The sun agrees that this is cool!

Ice road! DUN DUN DUN!

Entrance to camp. KEEP OUT!

I used my skis for skiing!

Out on the lake, heading to a mountain.

I combat my sense of smallness with an abundance of synthetic hydrophobic clothing!

Path up the mountain.
These high-mountain trees be snowy.

Cheesing it in my hiking jammies! I was warm.
Justin is cheesing it as well! In a hat! PUT ON A HAT!

View from the top of the heap. At the borders you can sort of see the snow that was collecting around the edges of the window of the tower at the top.

This picture shows it better. We were standing in a metal tower covered with frost. It was windy like WOOOOOO!!!

2.0 put the snow there with his Wintry Wizardry. PUT ON A HAT!

All of this. We burned all of this. And a lot more.

Our Winter Bungelow. Swanky to the power of Swank.

No football during Winter Camping. PUT ON A HAT!
The flipside of the entrance to camp.
Looking out across the vast icy wasteland, buffeted by raspy winds-- a stretch of white sprawling beneath the pale pin-prick of the sun piercing the thick grey clouds leaden with heavy thought rises above all others in the recesses of my mind, stinging like hot needles in my frost-gripped veins...


guys! If we had some cones we could make SNOW CONES! get it?!


Think I might just start putting posters up on campus.

to educate and motivate.

This Student Election Thingy Deserves a Better Class of Flier

And I'm gonna give it to them.

these are some fliers I made for a kid who went to my high school and now running for a thing. I don't really understand it.

This last one is probably my favorite...

Necromancer Ezra Pound has strong feelings about student elections.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Here's a Thing I Wrote for a Newspaper. It Might Probably Won't End Up in There

Spring Time: Sincere Joy is the New Irony

Look around you, fellow peoples! The Earth is tilted once more in our favor to be closer to the true prime mover--the bringer of smiles and sweeper of pale gloom. Warm delights dance in the air like a hundred flaming rainbow pinatas dropped from a blimp onto a levitating landscape of confectionery frosting. Your pores scream with glee!

Yes! It is the time of affirmation and deep inhalation because from ancient times it has been known that breath is the source of life. So live deeply! Expand your soul and lungs and feel your core twinge with the green pulse that feeds the days we can dive and leap and slide through. Your teeth bite into the soft flesh of a citrus fruit and as the juices run down your chin you exclaim to the people outside, “These bones will burn bright once more! My skin is a net and the beams are a school of shimmering tuna!”

Take your hammers and your nails and your building materials and build a shrine you can crawl inside with the roof exposed and whittle the words that flutter from the clouds and bring warm rains, engorging the Earth and raising up the sweet crops that can be processed into delicious breakfast cereals and gummy snacks.

Don’t hide from your joy, tiny antelopes! Tear it open and smash its husk onto the tops of your heads and step with verve and pizzazz, crowned with your helmet of sentimental affections.