Wednesday, August 21, 2024

what made this summer my favorite ever

 #1- Poplar. We did something new that was a big success and added a new dimension to camp. It was scary going into it and there was a lot of uncertainty but we got through it and everyone walked away with a great experience. It was a dream come true and something I'm really really proud of.

#2- We had the best team we've ever had during my time. We added two amazing counselors and brought back nearly everyone else and I think it elevated the entire camp. The staff that I've known since they were campers are excellent people who I feel really lucky to know and they keep getting better. I saw new levels of professionalism and confidence and caring that made my heart feel like it was going to explode from joy.

#3- I think I did a good job. My big goal for the summer was to handle situations calmly without raising my voice and I wouldn't say I was perfect but I'd definitely say it was my best summer on record. I think I also continued to come up with new ideas and add to the culture.

(also related to #2 and #3 is consistency. consistency and familiar faces is so so huge. this is the longest I've ever been at a single job and the consistent team we've built makes us really effective. I just remembered how at other jobs when there's turnover you end up fighting a lot of the same battles over and over and making the same mistakes and relearning the same lessons and it's pretty incredible that we've largely avoided that.) 

#4- Connections to campers. Maybe the most important metric of success is the number of campers we make a connection with and an impact on. We did a lot of great work this summer to make our camp a place where any kid of any age can have a great time and feel part of the community. One of my biggest strengths is I think I can do a good job of engaging with the youngest girls and the oldest boys and every group in between and we have a team of versatile counselors who can do that as well. 

There are things to improve and strive towards but we done did good.

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