Monday, July 29, 2024

"no one likes that"

 That's been my go-to line for correcting behaviors.

You need to stop jumping on people. You need to give people space. You need to stop yelling. You need to stop barking. You need to stop grabbing people.

No one likes that. No one likes any of those things. 

I think sometimes I get in my head that showing frustration or being frustrated is bringing other people down or not being the best person I can be. But, it's true that correcting behavior is work and showing frustration is a cue to a kid that they're doing something that is upsetting to people. 

You ever encounter a really annoying person out in the world and think, why are they like that? or what would it take for them to stop being like that? It takes work! And it's work I definitely believe in. I've seen people improve and it's a really good feeling to watch someone go from using behaviors all the time to being someone you can have a conversation with.

So that's my pep talk to myself. Don't lose your spark babe but keep fighting the good fight.

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