Saturday, July 29, 2023

recreation of my dinner on thursday night

 Andy approaches the food being served with plate in hand.

Camden: Ey, the burger's cold today!

Andy: Ok, that's fine.

Stewart: Hey Goodstein the macaroni and cheese tastes like an old chimney! Ya want some?!

Andy: Listen Stew! I'm on the edge! I'm on the absolute edge so don't test me right now!

Stew: What?! You don't like the burger-- go microwave it yourself! You're not a child!

Andy: So that's my job now?? That's what my job is? Your job is to make the food wrong and my job is to fix it? Is that what my job is now? 

Stew: Ah stop your crying you bum. I'll heat it up for you.

[Transition to stove top where Stew is heating up the burger]

Andy: Listen Stew you don't know what it's like out there! You don't know what it's like! Me and Crabby are the only ones separating this camp from complete anarchy, ya understand?! I got Oliver slamming Gatorades into the window. I got kids crying from hunger. Every time I turn around another kid is flipping bottles and slamming the tables. They had me make witty banter for 20 minutes just because we got in here too soon! 

Stew: Yeah yeah yeah...

Andy: All I expect when I bring my dumb little plate up to the line after everyone else is served is a lukewarm veggie burger and a little bit of cheesy mac! That's all I'm asking for! And apparently THAT'S too much for the folks who get to hide out in the kitchen all afternoon while the rest of us are baking in the sun. Is that about the size of it, Stew?! Is that about the size of it?!

Stew: Here's ya burger, Braveheart.

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