Monday, July 24, 2023

meatballs and late night wegmans

 rewatched the movie Meatballs today because it was free on youtube. It has some good parts but overall I don't think it's aged too well. Was still fun to watch it again. I caught it on TV one random summer day when I was in high school and it really struck me. I don't know why exactly.

Anyway I did some late night grocery shopping and really enjoyed it. Everyone was dancing and enjoying the music and when I was checking out this one woman was scanning the items and another woman was bagging and the one woman scanned the bleach and handed it to the other woman and said, "did you know this is really good for you" and then we all riffed on how good bleach is for you and how it can cure almost anything.

One of those days were I was tired all day and now it's midnight and I'm wide awake. oh well.

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