Sunday, March 12, 2023

I woke up early to run!

 the threat of snow in the afternoon and the promise of a run starting at the super reasonable hour of 9am was enough of an incentive to cause me to break my vow of never doing a morning run again and I'M SUPER GLAD I DID. It wasn't a difficult run but I did manage to go 19 miles which is the longest I've done in a good many years and for most of it I felt completely relaxed. Sometimes at the climbing gym I complain that running doesn't have the same community that climbing does but that's really a lie and with only a little bit of effort I was able to run with folks and have a great time. Something to keep in mind for the future. 

And I did it all on the start of daylight savings no less! So it was really an 8AM start for all practical purposes. And still not even bad. 

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