Saturday, November 5, 2022

Running for the upcoming week

 busy week coming up. I did a hike with camp today and will do a longer run with 7 faster miles tomorrow. Then Monday and Tuesday I'll be working all day with camp and coaching so I'll be running in the evening. I think I'll try to stay focused and keep my schedule as normal as possible. It really shouldn't be that hard. Just two days. 

I was looking back at my 10 miler splits from 2017 and they're a little scary to look at now. It's hard to believe I ran that fast. But, at the same time, I definitely did and there's nothing preventing me from getting back there again. I feel really confident in my training and I'm excited that I'm intentionally training my aerobic development in a new way. It won't happen all at once--slowly but surely I'll get faster though and get close to where I was 5 years ago. 

You gotta be excited about what you're doing. You gotta be excited about what you can make of the day. You can choose that and you can do things to make it true. This is me doing that.

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