Monday, October 25, 2021

good run today

This Fall I've been focusing on the little things and addressing issues that have accumulated over time. I've started taking iron, focusing on speedwork, strength, and lately have been doing a lot of massage and stretching. 

When I started rolling my hips and hamstrings they had so many painful knots. I also hardly ever stretch my calves/achilles and my groin/hip abductors. About 2 weeks of work has them feeling a lot better. Today on my run, after a good rest day, I felt fantastic. I think running a race and having 2 good workouts last week helped a lot too.

Tomorrow I have a hard 16 mile run where I'll go 8 miles out at a moderate pace on a hilly road and then turn around and try to come back much faster. I'm excited. I always tend to have good runs at that spot. Should build more confidence for the Richmond 8k on the 13th.

Then on Friday I'll do 3x 10 minutes on a hilly neighborhood loop with the goal of running comfortably hard and getting a little farther for each 10 minutes. 

The last key workout will be next Tuesday with 10x 1k repeats with 3:30-4 minutes rest. Probably starting at 3:15 per kilometer and looking to finish close to 3:00 by the end. That would be a great last session.

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