Monday, April 4, 2016

Interview with 2.0 (the real one!)

I'm on Spring Break!

and I didn't bring my scanner. So instead of a comic you get this interview with the actual 2.0 that 2.0 is based on!

I'm the one asking the questions.

2.0 is the one answering them.

We were in his apartment.

The full thing was 18 minutes long. So this is highly highly highly trimmed.

...that's mostly it.

I also have drawings that 2.0 made of his character that I'll put up when I return to my scanner.


Crab said...

Want whole!

Andy Lawrence said...

If the interview was a baseball game, the posted file would be the home run highlights. So, you know, the rest a baseball game. Lots of cup adjusting and spitting.

But anyway, here ya go