Thursday, January 14, 2016

Lil' duck bird

Here's what happened. I drew this picture of this little duck bird quack/barking at this kinda evil looking guy. And then I couldn't think of anything else for them to do so I started drawing the same picture but differently. And then I had four versions of the same drawing and I couldn't think of anyway to connect them. So here's an attempt (ft. Bird):

Sometimes Bird leaves a comment like, "He just needs to believe in himsmelf!"


 And then other times Bird leaves a comment like "It looks like you Unit 6 furniture feet. That is to say, tennis balls."
*glare* (for making a weird joke about the drawing)

Then there are times when Bird is like, "Why is Jodi still friends with Gerdi? And why does Gerdi fail to recognize this fact?"
*eyes opened!*

 And finally, Bird can say, "Wow...So much good."

Bird friend.

So...I guess the lesson is...only your unequivocal and uncritical positive support please...

yeah. That sounds right!


+crab said...

I am positively supportive of your unequivocal criticalness in this lesson!

Not Bird said...

It look's like you *have* Unit 6 furniture feet. Without the "have", one could assume the author meant to say "It looks like you *are* Unit 6 furniture feet." This would lead to an even greater crisis of identity and a rather uncomfortable position under heavy furniture.