Saturday, April 4, 2015

Feeling Unproductive.

Throughout these past odd weeks I've had somewhat of an excuse for not posting very regularly. I've been really really busy with teaching and stuff. But now it's Spring Break and I still haven't done anything today except running. Man, I love running.

In other news, this all the stuff I have to get done over break:
-improve my teaching efolio so that it meets expectations
-do an analysis of this test I made and gave to a reluctant batch of seniors about Macbeth
-something about student behavior and working with problem children or something
-apply to jobs
-create a unit plan and lesson plans for a Research Paper
-create the same thing for A Modest Proposal

....I think that's about it. I'm gonna try to get that efolio up to snuff by the end of tonight...or tomorrow. Whenever. It's Easter. That's a high holiday. I shouldn't have to do work.
But I'm dedicated to the craft.

Here's a picture because I feel guilt when I make posts that don't have those.
Also I want to apologize to my roommate Lukie Bookie for not giving him a proper goodbye and instead of putting a yellow stickie note on my bedroom door that said BREAK. And I didn't take out the recycling.

But you know what? I was the last person to take out the recycling. I shouldn't have to do it twice in a row. And guess what, I'm gone for a whole week. So I don't have to deal with the consequences of my actions or inactions!

Sometimes I discover dark parts of myself through writing and I use this blog to purge them about also memorialize them because they are a part of who I am as a unique individual.

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