Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Message From "Tunnelman"

"You know, a lot of people think I'm some actor guy playing a guy named Tunnelman. That's not true. I am Tunnelman. That's my name and everything. These two guys named Calvin and Bodegums found me and recorded my normal life with movie-taking cameras. Like that day I stopped the flowers from turning life force energy into pizza. Or the time they followed me around with video-game cameras and I got the fireball power-up. That's one of my top-5 power-ups. All of that stuff actually happened. I remember because I was there. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

What other kinds of powers do I have? You mean, besides digging, having a beard, a headlamp that doesn't work, and being able to live on dirt and gummy worms? Not much else, to be honest.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go fill in the Grand Canyon before Colorado River Worms divert all the water into the Mexican Ocean."

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