Thursday, April 23, 2015

Cool to the new one more

That title was written by only choosing words from the automatic suggestions on my keyboard.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Chairs and Stares

Our scene is set on a lovely spring morn. But one of the invisible Lords and Ladies has been struck from behind with a baseball bat made of salami.

Quite a disruption, indeed.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

English Teacher Pet Peeve #1

When you show a teacher something and before responding to anything else, they point out grammatical and spelling errors.

Read for ideas! Read for ideas! Read for ideas!

Sunday, April 12, 2015

A Message From "Tunnelman"

"You know, a lot of people think I'm some actor guy playing a guy named Tunnelman. That's not true. I am Tunnelman. That's my name and everything. These two guys named Calvin and Bodegums found me and recorded my normal life with movie-taking cameras. Like that day I stopped the flowers from turning life force energy into pizza. Or the time they followed me around with video-game cameras and I got the fireball power-up. That's one of my top-5 power-ups. All of that stuff actually happened. I remember because I was there. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

What other kinds of powers do I have? You mean, besides digging, having a beard, a headlamp that doesn't work, and being able to live on dirt and gummy worms? Not much else, to be honest.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go fill in the Grand Canyon before Colorado River Worms divert all the water into the Mexican Ocean."

Saturday, April 11, 2015

A Message From the Creators of Tunnelman

"Hi, I'm Calvin and this is Bodegums. We're the creators of Tunnelman: The Movie and Tunnelman: The Movie: The Video Game. We made those things because we needed money for food and also to buy laser tag. 

If you liked Tunnelman, that's great--as long as we made money from you. If you are offended by Tunnelman, that is a stupid thing to be.

We will continue making Tunnelman as long as it remains the easiest thing to do to make enough for food and buying laser tag. If you have any suggestions or comments, they're probably great or useless. We do not care.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Reviews/Synopses of Romeo and Juliet

2nd Block

4th Block

2 Ninth Grade classes, both alike in dignity. I asked them to sum up Romeo and Juliet in one to five sentences. A review. A take-away. A warning or a heads-up to future readers. Whatever they felt inside.

 Hopefully it's readable if you click on the image or right click and open it in a new tab or something.

Tunnelman: The Movie: The Video Game!

The FINAL BOSS is a SALES ASSOCIATE at the Faucet Rescue Sanctuary Outlet!

How can I COMPETE??

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tunnelman: The Movie!

"These flowers are releasing NERVE GAS that turns LIFE FORCE ENERGY into PIZZA!

I've got to find...THE SOURCE!"

Wednesday, April 8, 2015


This means something probably.


Child rockets heavenward after gaining power of flight.


Child barrels towards Earth at faster-than-rain speeds!


Bandanna abducts rain-soaked child and begins to take him to the mothership


We can't see the future, but we know that we're gonna get wet.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

People From the Store

This one lady had a cool face.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Feeling Unproductive.

Throughout these past odd weeks I've had somewhat of an excuse for not posting very regularly. I've been really really busy with teaching and stuff. But now it's Spring Break and I still haven't done anything today except running. Man, I love running.

In other news, this all the stuff I have to get done over break:
-improve my teaching efolio so that it meets expectations
-do an analysis of this test I made and gave to a reluctant batch of seniors about Macbeth
-something about student behavior and working with problem children or something
-apply to jobs
-create a unit plan and lesson plans for a Research Paper
-create the same thing for A Modest Proposal

....I think that's about it. I'm gonna try to get that efolio up to snuff by the end of tonight...or tomorrow. Whenever. It's Easter. That's a high holiday. I shouldn't have to do work.
But I'm dedicated to the craft.

Here's a picture because I feel guilt when I make posts that don't have those.
Also I want to apologize to my roommate Lukie Bookie for not giving him a proper goodbye and instead of putting a yellow stickie note on my bedroom door that said BREAK. And I didn't take out the recycling.

But you know what? I was the last person to take out the recycling. I shouldn't have to do it twice in a row. And guess what, I'm gone for a whole week. So I don't have to deal with the consequences of my actions or inactions!

Sometimes I discover dark parts of myself through writing and I use this blog to purge them about also memorialize them because they are a part of who I am as a unique individual.