Friday, March 6, 2015

Some Dreams Came True Yesterday

What if you were sitting in class, in the middle of second block--the middle of the middle of the day on a Thursday. When time is just stretching out in front of you like a road that gets lost on the horizon. And you've just done some vocabulary work and are about to transition into reading more of this Romeo and Juliet play

when suddenly

as if conjured up from a long dead dream, a dream that was let go for being too pitiful to hold on to any longer

an extended BEEEEEEP fills the room

and a voice from the ceiling--like an angel who reads your order back to you in the Drive-Thru at Taco Bell--says

"Due to inclement weather, 2nd block will be dismissed at 9:25."


Run! Run and be free! The gates are opened and now is the time to bloom!

So that actually happened yesterday. The class I was teaching was ended with a 30 SECOND warning. Education is full of surprises!


LongWindedCreb said...

I misread the tense of your title.

I thought it was 'Some dreams come true... YESTERDAY!'

And I thought it would be a philosophical post about how some things that happen during a day that you might not care about turn into being a miracle upon reflection.

Like you only truly appreciate it after the fact, but how that's not necessarily a bad thing when you realize it later, since you get to be happy about it at the time of realization. And the mystery and wonder with which you could approach every situation.

"Is this event my tomorrow's miracle!? I should ignore all these bad things that try to upset me with the thought that tomorrow it may very well be what makes me happy for some unforseen reason! OPTIMISM!!"

But having to deal with no warning school system events sounds like a good thing to get used to handling, too.

Also I had to tell google two times that I was not a robot in order to post this. And then it showed me a section of google map over a town called ARLES and was all 'WHAT DOES THIS SAY!?!?'

I guess robots can't read rudimentary maps.

Andy Lawrence said...

Haha! I think this comment supersedes the post. Much better thought than I had.

Also, TWO year anniversary since Winter Camping this week.


(Google knew I was not a robot right away for some reason. Maybe because I know so little about how computers work.)