Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Person Training

You know, decided to stick to the basics with this one. Giant disturbing head in an abstract outdoor location. Gotta work on those fundamentals every once in a while.

Sometimes I feel like I'm struggling to simply be a functioning human being in front of my cooperating teacher. She's great. She's helping me so much and sharing her space and checking in with me and giving me suggestions and I think about how nice it is of her to let me in to her classrooms every day all day for 9 weeks.

But it's hard. It's a lot of things. All of them new. Some of them are things I know that I struggle with. But I want to stick with it. And every day done is a step towards being better. Even if, like running, when you first start out you don't see any progress and it seems like every day you just get more tired and there aren't many rewards, I know the rewards come with time. For now, it's training. And I like training.

But some day,

Some day I won't be the newest teacher (and I'll be an actual teacher) in the building.

Some day I will have former students who come visit me.

Some day I will be able to create a curriculum and design challenges that reflect who I am as a person and bring out meaningful ideas and creativity from my students. 

Some day I will be able to have a classroom where my students have their voices heard.

Some day I will create a safe and productive place for students to pass through.

That's what this training is building towards.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
