Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The Brain Knight

Great evening, everyone. I am the narrwhale--the narrating whale.

Today I woke up outside of my house yet again. I don't think I'll ever be able to get my slice of the white-wash pie. I just can't fit.

The Brain Knight returned. He desired to engage the Math Dragon in mortal combat. The Brain Knight pulsates like a super-heated can of baked beans stuffed with metaphors and equations. The Math Dragon just wants to rob convenience stores. In literary circles, the Math Dragon would be the foil of the Brain Knight. They are totally opposite in every way.

I got real hungry watching them prepare to fight. I'm sure their battle was impressive and memorable, but I was not paying attention. It isn't easy being a narrwhale.  I always just seem to get in the way and everyone ends up being compared to baked beans.


Unrelated True Note:

Today I was walking back to my apartment from the School of Ed and someone had run over a squirrel on the road I cross. It was lying in the center of the road. I grabbed some sticks and tried to pick it up and move it out of the road. I didn't do a very good job of picking it up but I did get it out of the road.

I think normally I would have ignored the squirrel but it just seemed wrong to leave it in the middle of the road to be run over again. I'm glad I moved it. Some people walking by saw me and I must have looked pretty strange struggling to move this squirrel with two sticks. It was important for me to acknowledge that death and do something about it. No, it probably doesn't really make a difference what happens to a squirrel after it dies but in that moment it mattered very much to me.

And I'm not trying to say that I did this good thing or I'm this better person because of it. It just showed me that there's a big difference between passively watching something and actively trying to do what you think is right. It's so stupid that animals have to die just so we can have cars. Yes, cars are very important and yes, animals die all the time but you wouldn't think about that the first time you have to clumsily drag an animal across the street--an animal that is normally so full of life and quick that you couldn't even imagine touching one and now it can't do anything and is at the complete mercy of your gross incompetence. Blood in its mouth and around its eyes. It's just wrong and what you are doing makes you aware of how little you can possibly do. But I'm sure I would do it again and I think you should too.

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