Friday, November 28, 2014

Note On The Blog

This blog refuses, despite my best intentions, to assemble itself around any common identifiable theme or character or story arc or medium.

This blog will never build drama or hold your attention or ask you to hold a thought for more than a week.

This blog is an exercise. This blog is exercise. It is both intervals and reps and miles and time and the record of that information in one. Simultaneously. The marking of lines on a stone wall is both a measure of time and the product and evidence of human effort.

This blog is the distrust of calendars. Calendars that insist on marking the passage of time for me. No wonder that time flies. We give up control of time and let it run wild. This blog is my record of time. And you will not find only numbers and dates that can be whisked through. You will find frustrations and memories and chunks and bits of thought and emotions. You will not wave it away and wonder where it went. You will not find any thread to pull you along or guess the ending or "skip over the middle part". It is only beginnings! Every day a beginning! Every day new rules!

This blog is an exercise in vocabulary. It is a distrust of dictionaries. A vocabulary limits what is and is not possible. You can build something out of a vocabulary. You can do stuff with it. But the more you do the more you depend on the steadiness and the consistency of that vocabulary. And to that I say, WHY BOTHER!? I have boundless electronic paper and endless electronic type. What greater goal is there, what greater limit, than to always demand the expansion what is possible--to always push against what seemingly cannot, will not, should not be done? If great kingdoms and statues and monuments can rise from sand--and if their might is dependent on the wealth of the sand--then I limit myself to piling sand on sand! More sand! Each granule a masterpiece! Each dune a worthless pile of raw material or waste.

That's what this blog is about.

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