Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The Dog



I think I'm a vegetarian now which is something I never thought I'd be. These legs are full of octopi--something I never thought I'd see.

But this burning sun is brightly shining through my windows and on the plants coiling and curling as the "the force that through the green fuse drives the flower" into something that looks like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich I digest and release and turn into movement--

the force that through the green limbs drives the runner around the lake six times and three times almost hitting an old lady and her dog but feeling strong like my big wheels are still on

still on and steady and not off to need help or even push back and so I must drive forward

driving to the dental lab beneath my house to collect dentures and molars and canines and rapidly expanding bovine people sitting around the pool and yelling at their children.

But I'm calm in the muck. Quietly absorbing as the spokes turn and I lean to the left as I learn the winds that make clouds move are above me. Many things worth having are above me. But it's fun to look. It's fun to imagine.

Cats in sneakers and robots with big pants. Fun is the most important part.

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