Thursday, June 27, 2013

Soft Shell

Made popcorn without the use of popcorn-specific cooking tools. 

Was eating lunch in the parking lot of the school I work at and an image of 'terror' and 'blossoming' popped into my head. It sounded too dramatic but I did like how it crept up while I was enjoying my lunch on a sunny afternoon in the shade of a tree having just finished up a short day at a fun job.

And furthermore, the picture up there that the words appear on has almost nothing to do with them.

But, I think that most things I've accomplished or done or thought are an offshoot or tangent to whatever my original intention was. To the point where the conscious objective almost never gets realized and maybe setting out to do a specific something guarantees that it won't happen. You still have to want it to happen though. Or you won't really pursue it and you won't get the unknown side benefits (which are unpredictable).

And that's why sincerity is pretty cool to me.

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