Friday, December 31, 2021

the word of the year

this year's word will be RECORD.

i want to record as much as possible but also break my personal records.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

when I think about christmas

the monstrous transformation begins with my eyes becoming bulbous and red. they shine from my skull like brilliant christmas tree ornaments. I sprout a full wreathy beard that flings razor sharp thistles in all directions when I laugh my holly jolly ho ho ho's at everything anyone says. I belch the pitch black smoke of all the cozy fires and my hands become icy claws, like santa's claws. And my lower body becomes a reindeer like a centaur but a reindeer instead of a horse.

Yes. such is the magic of christmas.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

the Christmas tree smells extra good this year

I wish I could bottle it and carry it with me.

cut my hair today

I went back to an undercut. I'm happy with it. My mom helped me, dad some too.

I enjoy cutting my own hair. The haircut industry has made us too self conscious about haircuts. Just do it. Cut your own hair. It doesn't matter.

What's anyway mean?

I woke up fine and around the afternoon when I thought I'd be feeling good again I started feeling sicker. Got my booster shot yesterday. 

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

on such a winter's day

I'm gonna get my covid/flu shot today. I hope I don't get too sick. 

I'll do a good run in harrisonburg before. 

I climbed yesterday and it went decent. I saw a bunch of people I know. I felt a hair weaker than I did before I left. I think it's because I didn't do any finger exercises during the week off. I should see if my ring finger on my left hand feels any better. 

It's very calm out right now. Calm and grey. I have a lot to look forward to in the coming year. I have a lot to be thankful for in the past year.

The challenge may not be so much in getting anywhere but in heading in the right direction. 

Sunday, December 26, 2021

Didn't blog as much this year

I was on pace and just stopped completely in December. 

I don't feel too bad because I've been very productive and posting a lot to Instagram instead. 

In 2022 I'd like to make the goal of blogging every day. Even if it's just rating the day on a scale of 1-10.

I got a lot of markers for Christmas and I'm excited to make more stickers.

I also got a DnD book based on clark Ashton smith stories and I'm listening to one now while I draw.

And I had a great 17 mile run in my new shoes. Exhausted since then but it felt good.