Monday, August 23, 2021

Season 3 of Camp is Done

 It was a really successful summer. I helped lead two week long overnight trips into areas I've never been before. I'm really proud of how the trips went and the campers we brought and the counselors I worked with. I think I was still able to bring a lot of new energy and ideas to camp even though it was my 3rd year. It's been great to begin to watch kids grow up at camp and take on new roles. It's definitely the most fulfilling and meaningful thing I do in the year. 

Today I feel like I started the off season off right by sleeping in, working on a lot of art and whittling and having a really good run. I want to continue to be intentional and use every day to work towards my goals. I feel fortunate to once again be in a position where I have the money saved and job security to have some down time in the Fall. It kinda seems like I'm being unproductive or not doing as much as I could professionally but I really believe that making myself available to camp and continuing to develop this program is going to pay off down the road. I feel really fortunate to know what I want to do with my life and have the ability to do it and be good at it. 

It's time to get back into running. I'm not out of shape. I'd say I'm getting in shape to get in shape. I've been spending a lot of time in the gym this summer and I would've guessed that I would've added at least a couple of pounds of muscle but I just weighed myself after running in the heat and I'm still only 130 pounds. That seems really low but also I'm definitely down a couple of pounds of water weight. Anyway, the quest to get bigger continues. Every year around this time I think I've figured out the breakthrough thing that's gonna propel me to new heights and every year it's kind of a bust but I feel good about this one! Weight lifting is fun at the very least :P

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