Tuesday, March 30, 2021

I want to start on another project

need to finish this book first though.

I will work on it tonight.

mom's daffodils

Monday, March 29, 2021

me at 1pm

me: gotta go to work. future me can fold and put away this laundry. thanks, future me. I owe you one. 

me at 10 pm

boy I sure am ready to sleep. 

walks in and sees large bag of laundry on bed. 

- dang it, past me.. >:(

when you start the day

in harrisonburg and then drive to Charlottesville and run, you feel like you've already done a whole day by noon. 

Monday, March 22, 2021

in the words of starman

let all the children boogie 

Thursday, March 18, 2021

The Familiar Weight of a Stressful Day at Work

It was rainy today and so we couldn't go outside and the kids were stuck in school all day and I had to do way too much talking and leading and the energy was all bad and the flow was just not there. I hate covid. I hate it so much. I hate how it just freaking eclipses everything you could possibly want to do. It's terrible.

Anyway, I knew that I would be a little rusty and need some time to learn how to be a teacher again and handle the chaos so I'm glad for days like today where I get to learn and examine what I did and how I could've done better. Gotta stay sharp. 

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Sunday, March 14, 2021

shortest day of the year, Pi Day, 1 year covid

This time a year ago I knew I wasn't going back to work on Monday. I don't think I knew the entire school year would be scrapped. I definitely didn't know that it would be March 2021 when I would be back at afterschool. 

Currently we have very few kids but even fewer staff. A lot of schools barely have coverage at all. Other than the kids who are great, it's a bit of a mess. It's hard to tell if things will stabilize or completely collapse at this point. Broadly speaking. I'm not worried personally. But Thursday we lost a teacher who had to go cover at a school with only one person. Everyone is spread super thin. We'll see what happens. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

back at afterschool

driving to work I was upset about the idea of returning to the school. A lot of the adults I work with really upset me and when I only interact with them it bums me out. But today I got to see the kids and they are a really good group. A lot of calm personalities and pretty respectful on the whole. It should be a good spring. I don't know if I'll return. Maybe as a fall back plan. I'd prefer to stay involved with my camp or do more with climbing. 

We'll see. The future feels very open. Point is, it was good to see the kids. Felt very natural right away. 

Monday, March 8, 2021

I'm so tired

was busy all day. did so many things. a welcome change of pace. 

Thursday, March 4, 2021

plant revived

I got this plant at afterschool about 2 years ago and after accidentally killing its brother I planted this one by the side of my current house in the summer, not expecting it to live.

Around October I walked past it and saw it was in really rough shape but still alive and decided to bring it inside and give it a chance. Two of the same plants also sprouted up in my spider plant pots and I transfered them to this pot, really not expecting anything.

Flash forward to now and after finding a sunny spot and learning how to properly water them they're doing so well!!! Their leaves are huge compared to where they were and they're all growing so fast. I think they might start flowering soon as well. Makes me happy that they made it through the winter better than ever :)