Sunday, May 20, 2018

trees. learning. thrills.

I really want to learn trees. I want to be able to look at a tree and know it's name. There are a few routes I run that have little tree identification markers and I've started paying attention to them. Yesterday I was running at this place I've run regularly for 2 years and it was the first time I stopped and read all the ID plaques.

GUESS WHAT?! All the trees in this one little area were different kinds of OAKS! And I was super excited about it! White Oak. Black Oak. Red Oak. Pin Oak. Something called a Shumard Oak. A SWAMP white oak. It blew my mind. Every time I read a new one I was like "NO WAY! That's so awesome that you're that!" I was giddy.

Last night I said, "This is 2018. Surely there is an app that exists that will let me take a picture of a leaf and then tell me what kind of tree it's a part of."

And this futuristic present is disappointing in a lot of ways, but this time it came through with flying colors.

Pl@ntNet. My new obsession. Username is princess_pat because I'm IDing all the trees at camp and that's camp related.

Today I learned that the trees that I park under that drop all those annoying spiky balls are American Sweetgums. And next to that is a Dogwood. And there's an American Linden outside cabin 3. And the tire swing is attached to an oak. I think it's a Red Oak. And I think there's a Willow Oak right outside the Annex. And a Red Cedar just up the hill. A Red Maple by Cabin 2. A Pear tree. An Apple Tree. And a Japanese Zelkova. All outside Cabin 1. And a NORWAY MAPLE by Cabin 5.  

And this is just day one. I'm telling everyone about it. I'm learning all the trees. LET'S. GO.

1 comment:

Cassiar Memekio said...

Nice that's so cool. I want to know trees better, I only know a few. I always forget most of what I learn. My dad knows literally like all of them, it's amazing.

Haha that's perfect there's an app for it, I had no idea something like that could exist.

That's so cool you've already identified that many